The following is a (not too-detailed) listing of the various ships which are under the command of my three characters in the MMORPG Star Trek Online (aka "STO"), developed by Cryptic Studios and available to play through Steam and Perfect World Entertainment.
I have no idea if any readers of this blog will care in the least about the information I'll be presenting here, but I myself care, or I would not have put much time and effort into naming those ships in ways which resonate with me, and fit the personae of the characters which I have created and developed for use in the game (which is but one of several MMORPGs I enjoy playing -- but as I came along to this world in the 1960s, Star Trek has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and STO is really quite well-done by Cryptic Studios, so STO is, almost necessarily, one of my favorite MMORPGs).
Other Trekkers may well find some of this at least mildly interesting. Other linguists might find the Orion-language and Romulan-language names in the listing to be of some interest.
Some readers wondering just who this kooky girl is, though, might gain some insights into various aspects of my thought-processes and such by perusing what I have to say in this post (in this preface as well as in the actual listing which will follow).
Some time ago, in the STO fora, a thread was made inquiring after the names we players had chosen for our various in-game ships. I had to go in-game to get the names all right and connected with the correct ships, because I have so many ships in the game that keeping track of which Klingon vessel is named X, and which Klingon vessel is named Y, for example, can be challenging. Keeping the Orion's ship names separate from the Vulcan's ship names and both of those groups of names separate from the Romulan's ship names is considerably easier. Without looking, however, I could not tell someone whether my Orion's Kamarag Retrofit is the I.K.S. Seduction, the I.K.S. Seducton II, the I.K.S. Seductress, or something else, although I know that I have Klingon ships with those and other names under her command, and I know that she has a Kamarag or two, among several other vessels of Klingon and Orion make).
After taking notes from what I found in-game at the various shipyards where my non-active ships are kept ready and maintained, I created a somewhat hastily-written post in hopes of getting my reply on the first page of the thread (and succeeded in that goal). I sought this distinction since many forum-readers seem to tend to read no further than the first page of a thread before posting their own replies, and if I were going to invest the time and energy in gathering these ship names and making sure each was assigned to the right vessel for the list, I would certainly prefer that a fair number of people would at least glance at the list.
Over time, I polished my post and added to the lists of ships commanded by my various "toons" (characters) in the game, as well as updated the fleet ranks of two of the toons in question (the other, my Romulan, is the leader of her own fleet, and cannot be promoted further than the fleet rank she has now, "galae'Enriov," which is Romulan for "Fleet Admiral").
I've been thinking of copying that information to this blog for a while, and after my most recent edits to the post there earlier this morning, I thought this would be as good a time as any.
While the list will continue to grow as my characters obtain more ships to command, I'm under no restrictions pertaining to "necro" posting here in my own blog, and can update this blog post when and if I see fit with little fear of a thread being closed, locked, or archived before I finish collecting all the vessels I would like to have, nor any concern over when the last post was made to the thread.
Many online discussion forum sites have rules against "necroing" a thread, that is, posting in a thread which has been "dead" for a certain length of time. The certain length of time varies from site to site, but I've noticed that many such sites set "one month" as the cutoff (so if the most recent post in a given thread is over 28-31 days old, making a new post in the thread is considered bad form, if not outright prohibited by the rules, although few such sites have any mechanism in place to automatically lock threads once they have seen no activity for x amount of time). To some extent (and certainly in some specific cases), this is understandable (a Site Owner definitely ought to be able to set rules for his/her own site, after all), although the limitations are somewhat arbitrary, and relative from one site to another.
As already noted, however, I don't have to be concerned with necroing something that I alone own and operate. I can return to this post at any time and edit it with screen captures of the various ships which will be named here. I can add new information. I can update the fleet ranks of any of my characters who might receive a fleet promotion. And I can do all of this and more whenever I feel like it.
The reader might also be curious about the fleets named here. "Fleets" are STO's version of what some MMORPGs call "clans" or "guilds" or something similar. My Vulcan is in a fleet called "Starfleet Military Intelligence." My Orion is in a fleet called "LGBT of the KDF 1st fleet" (I'm bisexual, for those who don't know or haven't figured it out, but even if I were not, I would support the causes of equality and liberty). My Romulan is the head of a fleet called "Tal'Diann" (which is a non-canonical Romulan organization corresponding to what would be called "Military Intelligence" by others -- by "non-canonical," I mean that this organization has not been mentioned or acknowledged by the "hard canon" consisting of the various television series and movies under the "Star Trek" banner, but it is part of the "soft canon" which includes the "hard canon" as well as many if not all of the various "Star Trek" novels, production notes for the series episodes and movies, deleted scenes, etc).
Having explained what this post is, why anyone other than myself might care, and why I have copied my own work from a different online venue, I present, with no further ado, the list of ships under the command of my various characters in Star Trek Online.
Ships commanded by my Vulcan character, Vice Admiral G'dessa T'Prell, a Rear Admiral in Starfleet Military Intelligence (in the order obtained):
- the U.S.S. Liberty, a Miranda Light Cruiser with some modifications (self-explanatory name).
- the U.S.S. Luna, a Cruiser, like the Enterprise refit in TMP (name should be obvious to most).
- the U.S.S. Selene, a Cheyenne/Stargazer Heavy Cruiser (both the Greek name for the moon, and the name of Kate Beckinsale's character in the Underworld movies).
- the U.S.S. Sovereignty, a Galaxy Exploration Cruiser like the Enterprise of ST:TNG, the NCC 1701-D (self-explanatory name).
- the U.S.S. Verona, an Ambassador Support Cruiser Retrofit like the Enterprise-C (named for the city and for Silvia Colloca's character in Van Helsing, the first Bride of Dracula) -- I also have the normal Ambassador (for a lower rank than would be of use to G'dessa at this late date in her career), still not unpacked.
- the U.S.S. Venerdi, an Avenger Star Cruiser with modifications (Italian for "Friday," the Day of Venus).
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The U.S.S. Venerdi in the Azure Nebula |
- the U.S.S. Thomas Jefferson, a Yellowstone Runabout (because TJ just rocks).
- the U.S.S. Roger Williams, a Rhode Island Science Vessel Refit (founder of Providence Plantation, which later became the city of Providence, Rhode Island; he was an advocate of religious liberty and the separation of church and state).
- the U.S.S. Genova, a Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit (the capital of the Italian region of Liguria).
- the V.S.S. T'Pau, a D'Kyr Science Vessel (named for the Vulcan High Priestess seen in the TOS episode "Amok Time")
- the V.S.S. Kuramano Spahkh, a Tal'Kyr Support Vessel ("Kuramano" is Vulkhansu for "Ambassador," and "Spahkh" is the actual name of Spock in Vuhlkansu).
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The V.S.S. T'Pau, with a more typical Federation vessel, at Starbase 381. |
- the U.S.S. Ambassador Spock, an Obelisk Carrier (the origin of this vessel is currently unknown).
- the Izh-Sahriv, a Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider (the name means "Snowstorm" in Vuhlkhansu).
- the U.S.S. Lanka'gar, a Gladius Escort Refit (the name is Vulcan for "Bird of Prey")
U.S.S. stands for "United Star Ship," referring to the United Federation of Planets.
V.S.S. stands for "Vulcan Science Ship."
Each of the ships above also have a registry prefix, NCC whatever-number-goes-here, which I selected myself. Several of them have a -G suffixed to the number in the registry prefix, because I like the letter G -- for reasons which those who know my forename (and my nickname) already know, or can guess easily enough. (G'dessa has not yet quite settled on a flagship, but switches between the Verona and the Venerdi often; she'll likely experiment a bit with the Genova as well, once she has it outfitted to her -- or actually my -- satisfaction. Eventually, she'll obtain a definitely better ship, possibly a carrier or escort, and make that her flagship.)
Ships commanded by my Orion, Lieutenant General Gessa G'ian the Succuba, Chief of the Department of Military Intelligence for the LGBT of the KDF 1st Fleet (again in the order obtained, as far as I recall):
- the I.K.S. Seduction, a Norgh Bird of Prey.
- the I.K.S. Seduction II, a K't'inga Batte Cruiser.
- the I.K.S. Seductress, a Vor'cha Battle Cruiser.
- the I.K.S. Lodubyal Ot, a Kamarag Battle Cruiser Retrofit (I have the ordinary Kamarag as well, still not unpacked); the name is Kolarese/Kolaric (Orionish) for "Mistress of Pleasure 'Slaves'," since she once posed as such for purposes of espionage. It should be noted in this context that the so-called "Orion slave girls" are anything but slaves, due to the potency of their natural pheromones and their mastery of various techniques of seduction and hypnosis, which, combined, result in their presumptive "masters" coming under the control of the "slaves" (as explained in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode, "Bound").
- the I.K.S. Seductress II, a Vor'cha Battle Cruiser Retrofit.
- the O.S.S. Tabadi, a Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser; the name is Kolaric for "Matriach," as in "female head of a Caj" (a Caj is a "Great Family, Clan, Tribe"), because she is the Matriarch of the Ninth Tribe of Kolari (Orions). This ship is an Orion-made vessel and carries Advanced Orion Slavers in her hangar; apart from the Tabadi and her hangar vessels, the other ships listed under Gessa G'ian the Succuba are all Klingon-made vessels. (This is Gessa's current flagship.)
The O.S.S. Tabadi with Advanced Orion Slavers, in the Boreth system |
- the I.K.S. Cluros Ot, a K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit; the name is Kolaric for "Mistress of Coolness" (Cluros, or "Coolness," is an Orion standard of conduct).
- the I.K.S. Kolarivaj, a To'Duj Fighter; the name is Kolaric for "Orion Empire."
- the I.K.S. Temptress, a Phalanx Science Vessel (this ship is of Gorn manufacture).
- the Thakolarivaj, an Obelisk Carrier; the name is Kolaric for "Great Orion Empire" (the origin of this vessel is currently unknown).
- the I.K.S. Slethi, a B'Rotlh Bird of Prey; the name is Kolaric for "Winged-Torturer," which refers to a predatory animal species native to Daros-IV.
- the Kolar, a Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider; the name is Kolaric for "Orion" (the Orion homeworld as well as an Orion). This vessel is of Breen manufacture.
- the I.K.S. Vixen, a Qorgh SuQob Raptor.
I.K.S. stands for "Imperial Klingon Ship."
O.S.S. stands for "Orion Syndicate Ship."
Ships commanded by my Romulan, Vice Admiral Gessatra ir'Virinat t'Prell, Fleet Admiral of the Tal'Diann (Romulan Military Intelligence) -- again in the order obtained:
- the R.R.W. ch'Rihan, a T'liss Light Warbird -- the Rihan (Romulan) name of the planet Romulus.
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The R.R.W. ch'Rihan |
- the R.R.W. Senorix, a Dhelan Warbird -- Gaulish name meaning "Ancient King."
- the R.R.W. Sirona, a Mogai Heavy Warbird -- Gallic Star Goddess.
- the R.R.W. Memenda, a Kamarag Battle Cruiser -- non-canon name of the Klingon-made D7 flagship flown by the female Romulan commander in "The Enterprise Incident" (see also the R.R.W. Susse'Thrai, the A.R.W. Sienae, the R.R.W. LivianaCharvanek, and the R.R.W. Di'on Charvon). This is a Klingon-made vessel.
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The R.R.W. Memenda |
- the R.R.W. Senua, a D'deridex Warbird Battle Cruiser -- Gallo-Brittonic Goddess name variation, means "The Ancient One"
- the R.R.W. Ssaedhe, a Ha'apax Advanced Warbird -- Romulan for "Steadfast"
- the R.R.W. Susse'Thrai, a Koro't'inga Battle Cruiser D7 -- Romulan for "She-Wolf" (or "Bitch"), an appropriate name for a ship that looks like the flagship of the Romulan commander who almost seduced Spock (see below under the R.R.W. LivianaCharvanek and assorted other ships named here under Gessatra ir'Virinat t'Prell). This is a Klingon-made vessel.
On her maiden voyage, the R.R.W. Susse'Thrai, preparing to warp out of the Qo'noS system. |
- the A.R.W. Sienae, a Mirror Ha'feh Assault Warbird -- Romulan for "Talon" (it should be noted that the same non-canonical source for the name "Memenda" also called that ship the "Talon" -- although "Memenda" is not found in the Romulan language sources I use, which give "Sienae" as a female Romulan given name meaning "talon").
The A.R.W. Sienae |
- the R.R.W. LivianaCharvanek, a T'varo Light Warbird Retrofit -- named for the Riov (Romulan Fleet Commander) Liviana Charvanek (then known as Di'on Charvon, although neither name is canonical), who led a squad of Romulan D7 Battle Cruisers in an effort to seize the Starfleet Flagship, the U.S.S. Enterprise (N.C.C. 1701), then under command of Captain James T. Kirk, whose First Officer was Commander Spock, later Ambassador Spock. (This is Gessatra's current flagship, and I have outfitted it as a stealth torpedo boat. It also doubles as the current flagship of the Tal'Diann.)
The R.R.W. LivianaCharvanek in the Maiewski system |
- the A.R.W. Dhael'Temarhkh, a Mirror Ha'apax Advanced Warbird -- Romulan for "Nocturnal Bird" (the closest I could come to "Night Hawk" in Romulan, since there were no members of the genus Accipiter or the genus Buteo to be found on ch'Rihan).
- the R.R.W. Eshaeno, a T'varo Light Warbird (recently got this for the console, so I could put on the T'varo Retrofit, which I have done with delightful results, and have not even taken the Eshaeno out of spacedock yet) -- Romulan for "Ferocity."
Small Craft
- the R.R.W. H'Levreinnye, a Tiercel Shuttle -- Romulan for "Love-Devil" or "Lust-Devil" (a Romulan term of endearment).
- the R.R.W. Ri-Hhvaeh, a Kestrel Runabout -- "Spy" (more literally, the "Female-Spy," this is a term that can only be applied to a living being, so it seems odd that a spacecraft would be given this name, but the runabout was named for the woman commanding it, since Fleet Admiral t'Prell is herself "the Female-Spy").
The R.R.W. Ri'Hhvaeh, a Kestrel Runabout, in the atmosphere of the Rhi colony. |
And that's an old Romulan ship list, before I got the 3 dreadnoughts (whose names, apart from the Tulwar Science Dreadnought Warbird, I haven't picked yet, since I'm still outfitting them and have yet to take them on their maiden voyages) and Mirror Ha'nom (not even unpacked yet). Note that I have separated her vessels into "starships" and "small craft," because I don't remember exactly when I got the small craft vessels in relation to the starships.
Since compiling the above list, my Romulan has obtained some additional vessels, as noted hereafter.
Gessatra now has these additional ships (in the order obtained):
- the R.R.W. Ri'Alha (Romulan for "Miistress"), an Elachi S'golth Escort, built by the Elachi, a fungal, or fungal-appearing, race which apparently lives in subspace and serves the Iconians.
- the R.R.W. Ri'Unhaiynen (Romulan for "Temptress"), a R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel.
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The R.R.W. Ri'Unhaiynen on her Maiden Voyage, near DS9 and the Bajoran Wormhole |
- the R.R.W. Hvei'Khenn (means "Storm" in Romulan), a Tal'Shiar Adapted Destroyer reskinned as a Tal'Shiar Enhanced Destroyer.
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The R.R.W. Hvei'Khenn begins her maiden voyage, leaving the Drozana system. |
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The R.R.W. Hvei'khenn entering the Kahless Expanse to hunt Federation Starfleet vessels on her maiden voyage. |
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ch'M'R Hvei'Khenn plhere oahh ch'Mol'Rihan ieliu'edh dha riien havraen ih'hwin. (The R.R.W. Hvei'Khenn enters the New Romulus system at the end of her maiden voyage.) |
She has also named her Tulwar:
- the R.R.W. Di'on Charvon (see above under "- the R.R.W. LivianaCharvanek" for an explanation of this name).
The R.R.W. Di'on Charvon with her Scorpion Fighters in the Kern system, on her maiden voyage |
Gessatra also now has additional ships:
- the R.R.W. Laseiyyari, a Talvath Temporal Destroyer (the name is poetic Rihan for "Destroyer, Ruiner, Demolisher").
- the R.R.W. Temkeshall, an Obelisk Carrier (the name is Rihan for "The Escape"); the origin of this vessel is currently unknown (not built by Vulcans, the UFP, the Klingon Empire, Orions, Gorn, Letheans, Andorians, the Romulan Star Empire, the Imperial Romulan State, the New Romulan Republic, the Reman Resistance, Borg, Elachi, Cardassians, Bajorans, or anyone else we know of in our own space).
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The R.R.W. Temkeshall, an Obelisk Carrier, with her Advanced Obelisk Swarmers, patrolling the Kern system, on her maiden voyage. |
- the S.C.S. Mhiohs, an Helix Omega Suliban Cell Ship; the name is Rihan for "Success."
- the R.R.W. Lhao'Le, a Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider; the name is Rihan for "Coldness."
- the R.R.W. Ri'Kaishaasi, a Mirror Ha'nom Guardian Warbird; the name is Rihan for "Dominatrix."
- the I.K.S. Fvuras, a Qorgh SuQob Raptor; the name is Rihan for "Moon."
Her Scimitar and Falchion dreadnoughts currently still have the names which were auto-generated by the game. These auto-generated names usually look like Romulan words/names, but seldom can be found in any Romulan language resources. This fact, coupled with my preference to give my characters' ships names of my own choosing so that they are meaningful to me, means that the other two dreadnoughts will almost certainly also be renamed when the time comes (and this post will be updated sometime after that with that information). Uncommonly enough, the R.R.W. Di'on Charvon had an auto-generated name that did mean something in Romulan, but it didn't make much sense as the name of a ship, unfortunately.
Unless otherwise noted, all of Gessatra's ships were constructed by the Romulan Star Empire, the schismatic and now-defunct Imperial Romulan State, the secret laboratories of the Tal'Shiar, the Reman Resistance, the New Romulan Republic, or the Romulans of the Alliance in the Mirror Universe (i.e., apart from any Klingon vessels and the one Elachi ship, all of her ships are of Romulan and/or Reman manufacture). Ships built under the Romulan Star Empire or the Imperial Romulan State were either older vessels still in use in those colonies that banded together to form the Republic, or captured vessels (older or not). The ship built under the direction of the Tal'Shiar was captured. The Elachi ship was captured. The Alliance Romulan Warbirds were either salvaged from battles and repaired, or captured.
R.R.W. stands for "Republican Romulan Warbird," referring to the New Romulan Republic. A.R.W. stands for "Alliance Romulan Warbird." S.C.S. stands for "Suliban Cell Ship."
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